
Wait!, there is five minutes more! thought Alice. She has been looking forward to stepping out of her house for several days. Three years to be exact. The luxury of ‘Outside’ is limited to twelve people at any given time. The time one gets to venture out is like wild honey on warm bread. It’s savored and relished.

Alice was a bundle of emotions. She wanted to make every second count. She wanted to feel every flutter of wind. She wanted to endure every little grain of sand. She wanted to bathe in the glorious sunlight. She wanted the week to last forever. One she could carry with her and make the time that follows bearable. She has planned for this week since the last time she got to go out. She has carefully pondered her heart to discern what gave it pleasure and what did not. She listed everything down and graded them; for one week was not a very long time.

She was patient. If her memory served her right, this is the fourth time she is getting to go out. There could have been previous ventures, however, she was very young to remember them.
The first time that she could remember was a plethora of wonder, sensations and experiences. She was so elated that she trembled and crawled during most part of it. The overwhelming introduction, she would like to call it, was painful. By the time she wrapped her head around the venture, it was time to leave. The next three years were full of frustration. She could not understand the need to be in here while she could be out there. Why has it come to be so? All the historical documents in the Livery provides explanations and horrid visuals from the past. The sequence of events that drove the need for a way of life as it exists today. But why? Why did it all come to be? Why wasn’t she born in another time and another era?

Those thoughts consumed her soul most of the time. She cried her-selves to sleep on most nights. On others she just sat up looking through the window depicting the night sky over Undua. It was a mysterious velvet with twinkling spots. Spots she has come to know as stars, a representation of how the night looked Outside. She could not tell the difference between the window in her confinement and the real deal Outside. She was taught what they were. But the reality, she knew, was a whole different thing. Consumed by the mixture of thoughts and emotions she would fall asleep. The yearning for reality filled her core and everyday the fire burnt with new found rage.

The concept of existence was pretty straightforward. For some reason people were born. They grow and they die. And over the last sixty years, all life on Undua were born into confinement. The measure to isolate life from potential threats that has occurred into existence.

Confinement was protection of the species, ensuring its’s propagation and sustenance. The threats multiplied at such a fast pace, that it became nonviable to isolate them. The only possibility was isolating ourselves. Confinement came to be as the singular option on Undua.

Alice was an Unduan. For her it did not stand to mean anything. Because she had no relative perception of what being a certain ‘-ian’ meant. It was to create an identity. But what does it differentiate her from? She did not know.

Over the last two ventures Outside, she started perfecting the time available. By carefully planning what she wanted to do. The stream by the valley. The sunset over the plains. The bird flocking in the lake. Building sandcastles by the waves. Standing under the waterfall…
Her list was an endless one. Every time she sat down with it, there are ten more things to add and a hundred more to do better and more efficiently. Although she evolved from being frustrated over the short time that she was given each time. And had somehow got around to plan the time better, she still felt that void. The need to be Outside unconditionally. She felt she needed to stand under the waterfall for a hundred days if she wants to. She wanted to run on the beach until she falls down with aching legs. She wanted to catch that last ray of sun as it climbs up the other side of the valley and plunges her into darkness. Insatiable needs. A week was too short.

Human nature, a product of evolution, over a million years. A confluence of experiences coded into every living being to take it forward. Selected carefully discerning conditions and giving equal opportunities for every trait to express itself. That was what Alice represented.

And as all sentient and sapient beings, her instincts drove her to seek freedom. Although she did not completely understand or place what the need was. Her innate want elicited the way she reacted to every stimuli she encountered. Her need was never to be controlled.

The last five minutes wound up and she heard the clang of chains and levers. The tiny metal door that separated her from Outside gave way. Light poured through the opening. She would call it a door, but it didn’t let her move through it on her whim. It was the reason she is confined every time. She hated every rivet on it. She walked out. Stretched. Felt the sun on her face and drew in a deep breath. She felt the heaviness over her shoulder lift. It was an unbearable pain and relentless pleasure. She didn’t let that overwhelm her. She walked. The list was in her heart of hearts. Every second, every minute, every day. To be experienced. No time to waste. No time to hang by or wander. Every step was determined. Every purpose was heart spelled. Every movement was decisive. The stream, the sand, the waterfall, the sunrise and sunset, the birds and the animals, the wind and the ocean…she rolled herself in the mirth and wonderment around her. She wanted to sponge it all. Because she knew, as the days wore on and as the time wound up, she will but be left with that last thing on her list. Her spirit sought the experience, but didn’t want to endure it’s physical form. It was getting ready to give up this existence for its instinctive need to be free… Her rage, her need, her sanctity, her identity, her sadness, her joy culminates at the end of the seventh day. She lets everything go as it was worth the pain, than having to lie on her mother’s bosom just for a few days…Undua ceases to exist as the last sun sets. Alice is let to go…Her expression moves on for new experiences.

A Lesson at Life

Was off sick for a couple of days… and boy the world turns in such a short time.

In an attempt to consult a doctor I persuaded myself to crawl out of my sanctuary. Regretted it badly… the approach from either side of the road servicing my apartment was blocked for repairs. My only hope, to walk some 200 feet and then hire an auto-rickshaw. This was only a seemly challenge when I saw what lay ahead: A thorough road -block upon the ORR (outer ring road – one of the lifelines of Bangalore (India)). Allegedly speeding, a truck carrying sand had rammed into a two-wheeler and further into a Load PickUp. The truck driver had fled, the PickUp’s driver dead, the person on the two-wheeler injured. An angry mob gathered, comprising of the relatives/locals and launched a protest in the middle of the road. This ruined, well at least to say quite a third of Bangalore’s an otherwise uneventful Wednesday.

I was sitting in the rickshaw, covered up completely, totally tired and weak, and no idea of how to extricate myself from this flirt with morbid lunacy. After an hour of being pummeled by sooty air, I decided that a possibility of my illness being H1N1 related and my anxiety to get myself tested, actually offered to be a much better path to endure. (Thanked my Grace this morning when the illness turned out to be a general viral)

Back on the road to my workplace, I witnessed a complete change in the attitude of the traffic policemen around the famous “Bellandur Jn”. Things were a bit systematic and coming from an otherwise attitudinally stubborn law enforcement section, it was a Surprise! That feeling lasted till the very next signal only. It was unmanned except for one petty officer trying to control traffic from 8 directions. I overheard a fellow motorist on his hands-free, “You know?! There was a bad accident over here yesterday. Someone got killed and there was huge road block!!” I don’t know what the person at the other end replied, but I heard his reply, “Can you keep talking to me and keep me awake? I haven’t slept for two days…” and there the traffic opened and I slid past him and gave him a wide berth.

The irony is, I do not know whether to call this a quick heal after the disaster just a day ago? Or the insignificance of a single life? Or sheer negligence? Or Thank God as long as it is not me?

Whatever it is, we seem to have this extraordinary gene which helps us to adapt to anything at a super pace. Somehow there seems to be no threshold to this… I’m pulling on the last one year of chronicles – Bomb blasts, Mobbing, Riots… too good!!

We are a sensational race, fed right by capitalism, an ill consorted media and a jolly governance. We are indeed unanimously for, by and of the people! Phhh!

PS: This is back in 2009, August

Independent Solitude

Is there a constant need for companionship… what do we seek by its presence? the sociality of our being? Is it just that? why is the design so that we require constant reassurance?

The connection that can unite all being is the same connection we feel as our basic need. In short the design wanted the co-existence of all being. There is no triumph unless its unanimous. There is no need that is not unanimous. Yet independence is what we seek. We seek and prove it is just a word that describes a state unknown. We still do not understand that as the self-established supreme being of this world we have the power to see. To see that we all comprise of the same. The sooner we cultivate this awareness, the sooner we shall progress as a singular civilization. Else, the design has an unscrupulous way of negating non-co operation

The beauty of this page made my literature hesitate…

Writing is an art…its deliverance…its fulfilling…its the consummation of thought…its immortal.
I’ve read a few… a few that I forgot…a few that I foresaw…a few that I dreamt…a few that I believed…a few that gave me life.
I’ve written fewer…they are mine to think…they are mine to hope….they are mine to choose.
A cognitive thought process, purpose and depth…some say is essential to a writer.
For me… a jot of ink would do.
A pleasure that I do not know to describe and my language falling short to do so…for me its the feeling that parlay all other…
A true window unto myself…a oneness with the spirit…
I live when I write…and other moments I think about it to survive.
A world without life would it have been if the beauty of this page was untouched!

Harmony biased by percetion

I bow down to the might of that single blade of grass which modestly and patiently urges the grey vastness to part. And promises a tomorrow, a lesson, an yearning…
I would like to place myself at the tip of that flurry, the sanctum sanctorum, to suffer the harmony, the music that emanates to glorify the singularity…
I bow down…
Unto that tumult of need, the obvious privation, hidden – yet in plain sight…
We all begin there and so do we end!

The character whom I imagined this story for…

I can imagine – rather I can relate to much of it. More or less the same transpired through my previous relationship. Work that I did for money and a life that in reality didn’t seem like mine. Yet trapped in a void that had unscalable (don’t know if there is a word like this…but it fits sooo well) walls. And as always I’m ending up empathizing with others than think about anything else. You have put others’ needs in front of you. A person like that might seem like an individual with no expectations. But most of the time they are seeking an understanding, respect and resonance from the other person. I’m like that, so I know what you are going through. I’m not belittling your struggle. But keep at it. I do not know what the future holds or if everything would be alright or if there is a reality in your wizened words… i do not know…nor will I ever know…because i think the society has different rules for women. Kind of double standards. I’m not pleased by it, nor can I do anything about it. One of those meant to be things, that is mean, deluded and retarded. It does not fit into my brain.

I have always thought and believed that a man is someone who will always put a woman’s needs ahead of his. I mean in a partnership. And through his life he is protective of his mother/sister, which will also remain so until his death. Unfortunately, the person I tried that on, last time around, had an unfathomable list of wants (not needs… her basic need was a social shield) – which after a time, needed a sacrifice of my principles and then my identity. I could not give those up. Because that’s an apartheid life, a slave life. For a billion reasons I would stay in that trench so as not to hurt anyone else – in the pov that if i leave the relationship, the family would not understand. But reasons fail to explain the agony. It seems without logic. Then comes this dangerous thing called hope. OMG, i’m soo scared of that word and what it implies. Well, this word and the feelings attached to it is often confused with desperation. But not so. It is that dying wish of a spirit to hold on to that precipice…expecting someone to pull it back up to safety. But for some reason -‘The Secret’ and all of those other things that Rhonda Byrne says falls inadequate. The irony is that, we would never know if this would work because if it doesn’t, then we will only feel that we have not wished for it with every atom of our existence. Hopefully in death we would be more wise.

Men are no longer what they used to be…women do not have a choice when this is the case – they would obviously change too.

I was sooo happy that I found prospective love again. Trust me, through my life there has been many an occasion when someone walked up to me and confessed their feelings for me. I always ran North. I do not know why. I do not know why I didn’t sit down with them and talk. It was OK that I was not in the same place as they were. But just sit down a minute and respect their feelings. I guess at some level I knew that no one would understand if I explain. Because, the other mind is sooo much full of hope and flirting with the next barrier called desperation – that it fails to see any reason. And also for the fact that I did this in my previous relationship, I let what she told me about her feelings to take precedence. I agreed to a relationship which I was sure will not work for me. It was me respecting someone’s expressing their love. And it goes without saying, what happened next. Also, I must know this because I have felt the same when my unexpressed feelings were not reciprocated. I don’t stop to explain. I run North again! ha ha! North seems to be such a fantastic place for all those who are smitten. The persona that I built around myself to laugh about everything, including my very self, has saved me many times from an otherwise expensive trip North. I take it for granted and do not let anything to cross THE barrier.

At this juncture, the barrier has given way. Can’t blame it. It has been battered by all those relentless feelings which hit it time and again, within and without. And as time has aged, so did it. It was only natural that a facade built to safeguard a selfish heart gives way to a tiny seedling that has planted itself on it.

Now?, well, I’m clueless. Impatience seems to consume me sometimes. At other times, its fear – they are best buddies, impatience and fear. A sardonic combination.
But my well perfected nature is rescuing me. And as always, i have come to rely on it. I mean, i didn’t plan for it to happen, but i needed it and it was there. This time it is well seasoned and reinforced.

No, do not want to get anyone involved, I want this to be in our own terms. Not out of pity, peer pressure, family pressure or anything else. I want it to be our need, as that is the only way my need is honored. I do not deserve anything less. I’m sure about that. There is one last attempt in my arson. I will try that. If that fails then i leave it to providence. I can console myself and move forward. But, that does not mean that I would start pursuing the probability of companionship in its true sense, again. I don’t think it would be wise to do that. Considering my nature. Further more, its not fair to the other person I would get involved with as well. Since i know myself, it won’t be wise either.

I wish all these strange times come to pass, and we move on to less stranger ones. But, since i remember this 6 year old child after being introduced to Enid Blyton’s – Famous Five and the Golden Galleon, went down on his knees to pray for an adventure; things are going to get stranger only. Because, Rhonda Byrne is sometimes right – the first pure, innocent, true wish was this – ‘adventure’ – and if this isn’t one, I do not know what is…fastening my seat belts!

Hang in there, not for hope, not for fear, not for mercy, not for love – but just because, if we don’t, this is an awful waste of Carbon atoms.
I guess, we need to react to all those emotions equally!

Because as a wise man once said ‘…and so do all who have lived to see such times, but it’s not up to them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. Even the wisest cannot see all ends…’